Familiar with the nickname of "bean sprouts"! ?nPopular Youtuber beginning Shacho ofnSuper decision version of the game app is finally here!
「もやし」の愛称でおなじみ!?人気Youtuberはじめしゃちょーの超決定版ゲームアプリがついに登場!--------------------------「気付いたら本当にもやしになってた…」実験に失敗したはじめしゃちょーは目を覚ますともやしの形をした 通称"もやししゃちょー"になっていた!…しかも、無数のもやしに分裂…!しかし彼は希望を捨てなかった。「バラバラになった俺を集めれば元に戻れるハズ!」こうして、もやしとなった自分を集める旅に出るのだった--------------------------■指先ひとつできりふきをかんたん操作・きりふきボタンで水をまき散らし!・育てたもやしはフリックで収穫!■図鑑やランキング!やりこみ要素満載・生えてくるもやししゃちょーはなんと30種以上!?・不定期でランキングイベントを開催!!■上位を目指せ!イベント開催!ユーザー間で競うランキングイベントでは色んなYoutuberが友情出演予定!登場する「もやししゃちょー」も30種以上!■知られざるもやしエピソード!彼がもやしとなった理由とは!?ゲームを進める毎に明らかになっていくもやししゃちょーの物語!※検索用キーワード作死小能手hajime、hajime社长、哈吉咩社長お問い合わせ・不具合報告はこちらまで![email protected]※件名に「もやししゃちょー」と明記ください。※PCからのメール受信を許可してください。Familiar with the nickname of "bean sprouts"! ?Popular Youtuber beginning Shacho ofSuper decision version of the game app is finally here!--------------------------"I was supposed to really sprout If you notice ..."Introduction Shacho will wake up and failed to experimentIt had become known as "bean sprouts Shacho" in the shape of a bean sprouts!... In addition, split into a myriad of bean sprouts ...!But he did not give up hope."Has to go back to the original if you collect I became apart!"In this way, it was get out on a journey to collect myself became the bean sprouts--------------------------■ easy operation a sprayer at your fingertips- Spray button sprinkled the water!- Raised the bean sprouts are harvested in the flick!■ pictorial book and rankings! Crowded elements packed- Flies come sprouts Shacho whopping 30 or more! ?- Held a ranking event in irregular! !■ Aim the top! Event!In the ranking event to compete among usersVarious Youtuber a cameo appearance soon!It appeared to "bean sprouts Shacho" is also 30 or more!■ unknown bean sprouts episode!The reason why he has become bean sprouts! ?It will become apparent every time to advance the gameStory of bean sprouts Shacho!※ Search for KeywordsCreate death small Note hajime, hajime President, 哈吉 咩社 lengthInquiries and bug reports to [email protected]※ Please specify the "bean sprouts Shacho" in the subject line.Please allow mail reception from PC ※.軽微な不具合を修正しました。
Finally found my favorite YouTuber's game!!! X'DDD
はじめんの顔が面白いww クセになるぞ✨
It doesn't let me open the app. Worst app ever. I'm starting to think that this app tells me I am not wanted playing this game.
I love this game it's so fun and wired
Hajimecho is so funny and weird in his YouTube videos so this game is a perfect fit for his quirky character! If you cannot read Japanese then you will have a difficult time understanding the app.
Will the past events re-held? Such as he tokorozawa and darkness events. Wanna get them!
nice game but if got english version will be the best game ever~
So fun!